It is a programme for higher education institutions, students and staff. Its aim is to support international cooperation between HEIs, to enable students to study and/or complete a work placement/internship – abroad, to promote the mobility of HEI staff, to provide numerous opportunities for HEIs to participate in projects with foreign partners.


  • The “Erasmus+ annual report 2021” summarizing the implementation of the Erasmus+ program in 2021 presents the following key figures:
  • Under the new 2021-2027 perspective, more than EUR 28 billion were allocated to projects;
  • In 2021 alone, around 648,000 students and staff representatives participated in mobilities.
  • In 2021, the program supported about 65,000 people with fewer opportunities, which consitutes for 10% of all mobilities;
  • In 2021 alone, nearly 19,000 projects were approved, connecting more than 70,000 organizations from program countries;
  • At the end of 2021, the number of participants in mobility activities since 1987 reached 12.5 million;


The Erasmus+ program started on January 1, 2014 and replaced the existing programs: “Lifelong Learning” (and its sector programs – Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius and Grundtvig), the Jean Monnet action, the “Youth in Action” program and five other programs (including Erasmus Mundus and Tempus). For the first time in the history of educational programs in the European Union, sport-related initiatives will also be supported.

Duration of the Erasmus+ Program:

2021-2027 (2027/2028 – the last academic year covered by the program).

By the decision of the European Commission, WSEI University holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and fully participates in the implementation of the decentralized activities of the Erasmus+ Program Action 1. Educational Mobility.


As part of the ERASMUS + program, Action 1. Educational Mobility, WSEI University is awarded a grant for the implementation of the following activities related to cooperation with program countries.


  • long-term study mobility of students to other program countries – for a period of 2 to 12 months;
  • long-term mobility of students for traineeships to other program countries – for a period of 2 to 12 months;
  • mobility of graduates for traineeships to other program countries – for a period of 2 to 12 months.
  • short-term mobilities for studies of students to other program countries – from 5 to 30 days with a mandatory virtual part;
  • short-term study mobility of students within Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) – from 5 to 30 days with a mandatory virtual part;
  • short-term mobility of students on internships and mobility of graduates and post-docs – from 5 to 30 days with a mandatory virtual part.


Students of WSEI University have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship to go on traineeships to foreign institutions/enterprises in the 2023/2024 academic year. Students’ mobility for traineeships takes place in accordance with the “Zasady rekrutacji studentów WSEI na studia i praktyki zawodowe/staż za granicą na rok akademicki 2023/2024” (Principles of recruitment of WSEI students for studies and traineeships abroad for the 2023/2024 academic year).

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Students can go on traineeships under the ERASMUS + program, Action 1. Educational Mobility to institutions located in a country participating in the Erasmus+  Program (27 EU countries with Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia).

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Students may go to study abroad only under the signed inter-institutional agreements between the WSEI University and the host institution. Foreign universities must have an ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) card entitling them to participate in the program.

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Erasmus + countries are:

  • 27 European Union member states;
  • Third countries associated with the program: Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey;
  • Third countries not affiliated with the Program with the exception of countries in Regions 5 and 14.

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Students should demonstrate a B2 level knowledge of English or another language used at the host university.

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Before the mobility, the student is required to prepare the necessary documents.

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The student should take care of all formalities and the previously agreed study program.

In case of any withdrawals of agreement, the student is obliged to immediately inform the Erasmus+ Program Coordinator at WSEI University.

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The student is obliged to settle the scholarship mobility with the Erasmus + University Coordinator (Center of Projects and International Cooperation) in accordance with the signed agreement and the “Zasady przyznawania środków i finansowania wyjazdów studentów w Lubelskiej Akademii WSEI na rok akademicki 2023/2024” (Principles of allocating funds and financing student’s mobilities at WSEI University for the 2023/2024 academic year).

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University Erasmus + Coordinator
Marta Drygała

More information about mobilities under the Erasmus + Program is available at the Center of Projects and International Cooperation,

1st floor, room 103.
tel. phone: +48 81 749 32 27

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